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Release notes for 19 May, 2022

A list of all the new content added to LawVu in release 211

Ben Kidd avatar
Written by Ben Kidd
Updated over a week ago


  • Action notification wasn't removed even after deleting the matter. In the April 26 release notes, we stated that some notifications were doggedly determined in that they wanted to deliver the assignment notification even if the matter no longer existed. However, we underestimated how determined the notifications really were, as this issue returned T-800 Terminator-styles. This time we have corrected the issue, and slowly lowered it into molten steel to ensure it will not be back. It gave us a thumbs-up as it went down too, so we're assuming there are no hard feelings.

  • The email signature didn't render correctly in the preview, displayed as HTML text. Some of our more discerning users reported that "vertical-align:middle;border-style:none;max-width..." did not have the same visual appeal as actually having their email signatures rendered correctly, so this has now been rectified.

  • An organization admin received error messages when trying to access standard reporting. One organization reported that they consistently received a "no data available" message when trying to access their reports. This wouldn't have been an issue at all, if not for the fact they actually had lots of data available. Hence why we fixed this promptly.

  • Fixed an issue with Gmail tracking access tokens where users were logged out frequently and didn't track email threads correctly. We had previously learned that storing access tokens in the Google cloud can be temperamental. Recently, however, the handshake between LawVu and Gmail began to closely resemble a conversation with a goldfish. Having implemented a fix, LawVu and Gmail should now remember their connection.

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