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Law Firms, Article 3: Submit invoices in LawVu

Streamline invoice submission via LawVu

Alex Smith avatar
Written by Alex Smith
Updated over 7 months ago

Most law firms will send their client's monthly invoices. LawVu streamlines this process by enabling you to select a client, then simply drag and drop all their invoices at once.

In this article:

Permissions needed to upload invoices

As with any financial process, invoicing can be a sensitive issue, so the person uploading the invoices will need to have the appropriate permission. An “Organization Administrator” must set this permission.

1 - To set the permission, the administrator needs to find the appropriate person in the “Directory” (look for the address book icon on the left-hand side) or within “User Management” in Settings.

2 - Click on a name to display that user's profile card, and click the “Edit” button in the popup.

3 -Select the “Permissions” tab from the left-hand menu. Check the 'Manage invoices' permission under Legal service providers.

Invoice Formats

Invoices uploaded to LawVu can be either PDF, Word or LEDES format. LEDES XML 2.0 is the preferred format. Other file formats will be supported in the future.

Upload invoice batches

To get started with invoicing, navigate to the 'Clients' area in your LawVu account. Then select the client that you want to work with from the list on the 'Clients' dashboard.

Here's an example with a fictional client named 'AMC Building':

To facilitate the easy uploading of invoices in bulk, LawVu uses the concept of “Batches.” Rather than upload invoices one by one, you simply create a new “Batch” and upload as many invoices as you need in one go.

1 - From the “Client” view, click on “Invoices” under the client name and then on “+New batch” in the top-right corner.

2 - From this view, you can drag and drop files or click to upload invoices.

Upload PDF Invoices

Once the files are uploaded, a window will pop up that gives you a preview of the first invoice. Each invoice is required to be linked to a relevant matter, an amount, an invoice, and dates.

Note: the invoice and due dates will automatically be carried over to the remaining invoices in the same upload, but you can override these if you need to.

When you are done with the first invoice, click “Next” to assign and complete the details for the other invoices in this batch.

A third-party invoice is essentially a “pass-through” invoice. It is an invoice that has been provided to your law firm by another party and is passed along to your client.

Once the last invoice is complete, the preview window will close, and you will see a grid view showing you a breakdown of the invoices in the batch.

The batch is automatically saved as a draft, so you can come back to it later if you need to.

Upload LEDES Invoices (E-billing)

A LEDES file is a machine-readable file exported from a legal practice management system. It contains invoice data arranged in a specific order and format. By dragging and dropping a LEDES file into a new batch, LawVu utilizes that data to generate the corresponding PDF invoices.

Once these have been generated, the next step of copying the data into the fields on the left is much the same as when uploading PDF invoices. However, due to the data embedded in a LEDES file, many of these data fields will already be populated.

E-Billing workflow:

More information on how to upload LEDES invoices can be found here.

Link to Matters

For both types of invoice formats, it is imperative that each invoice be linked to the relevant matter.

LEDES files can use the “Matter Manager reference field” to automatically populate the Matter field, though if this field has not been used, then you will be required to link them manually. Simply click into the “Matter” field to search for and select the relevant matter.

You then need to work your way through the various fields and match them to the relevant details. Once completed, hit 'Next' - to continue to the next invoice in the batch.

If the matter has a forecast/budget set - then you'll see a simple graph showing the amount of the actual spend vs the forecast. If the invoice has exceeded the forecast then it may not be able to be submitted depending on the rules set by the client - in which case you'll need to contact the client and work through that.

Here's a screenshot of an invoice being completed.

Upload invoices in different currencies

Post invoices in any currency as set by your client. While LEDES invoices will have their fields automatically filled, for PDF invoices, please input the invoice currency manually.

Note: You will only be able to upload invoices in currencies that are accepted by your client.

Once you've completed the invoice - click the 'Next' button to advance to the next invoice - and when you reach the last invoice, click the 'Done' button.

Review and post the invoice batch

Once the last invoice has been completed, the preview window will close, and you'll see a grid view showing you the same details as well as a breakdown of the invoices in the batch.

The batch is automatically saved as a 'draft' so you can come back to it later if you need to.

​Note: All of the 'draft' batches are shown at the start of this process when you click the 'Invoices' tab. You can click into a draft batch and post it or delete it at any time.

To post the batch, click the “Post batch” button. The invoices are now saved against your client's matters, and they will receive a notification prompting them to review and pay.

Please note that once the batch is posted, no further changes can be made to the invoices.

Upload invoices from a matter

Uploading invoices is also possible through matters themselves.

To do so, navigate to the Invoices tab of the relevant matter, which is where you can usually find all the previously uploaded invoices associated with that particular matter.

Click the + Add Invoice button in the top right.

A modal will pop up granting you two options:

  1. Upload invoice and post - the invoice will appear against the matter straight away.


  2. Add to an existing invoice batch - you will be directed to Invoice batches where you can upload the invoice to the desired batch.

If you select Upload Invoice, the file picker will be displayed. Simply select the desired file(s) and click Open.

A window will pop up with the preview of the uploaded invoice. Enter the invoice number, amount, invoice date, and due date, and the rest of the details, and click 'Post batch' once done. (Note that all fields marked with a red asterisk are required fields.)

The invoice will instantly appear in the matter:

Upload invoices with Billing Only access

If you have been granted Billing Only access, you'll be able to upload invoices in LawVu but will have no visibility over your client's matters and contracts.

Note that to be able to add an invoice against a matter, your client will need to add you to the matter as a Billing Only member.

To start, navigate to the 'Your Clients' section, choose the relevant client, and then click on 'Invoices.' From there, click on '+New batch' to begin the process of uploading an invoice.

After uploading the invoice, start by entering the necessary details such as fees, invoice/due date, and other relevant information. Clicking on the Matter field will display the list of matters for which you have been added as a Billing Only member, so it is crucial to know which specific matter you are uploading an invoice against.

The batch is automatically saved as a draft, so you can come back to it later if you need to.

To post the batch, click the “Post batch” button. The invoices are now saved against your client's matters, and they will receive a notification prompting them to review and pay.

Please note that once the batch is posted, no further changes can be made to the invoice.


The most common error encountered when entering invoices is not being able to find the matter in the search bar.

In this situation, you should contact your administrator at the client end, and ensure that someone from your firm has been added to the matter in LawVu. If someone at the client end adds a member of your firm to the matter in question, then anyone at your firm with the 'Manage invoices' permission will be able to add invoices against it.

Remember, while your firm may be working on a matter externally for your client, as far as LawVu is concerned, a matter will exclusively belong to the client if it doesn't have anyone assigned to it from your organization, and it won't appear in your searches.

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