Release notes for 2 April, 2023

A list of all new content added to LawVu in release 290

Christy Cortez avatar
Written by Christy Cortez
Updated over a week ago

Product Enhancements:

Contract Data Extraction

  • We added the ability for users to see all the fields searched for in the document, not just the ones extracted.

  • The 'provide feedback' component was removed from the bottom of the Contract Overview tab.


  • The down arrow was disabled before the last item in a list was reached during contract data extraction.

  • There was no entry in the contract's activity log when contract data extraction failed.

  • During internal testing, the matters listed in the 'matters view' widgets in the Hub were displayed in reverse order, and one matter was missing from the list.

  • During testing for one user, storage failure didn't result in a failed contract extraction.

  • When the 'manage invoices' permission was disabled, the user saw the wrong error message while updating an invoice during internal testing.

  • For an internal user, deleting matters/contracts with files and conversations didn't remove them from the search index.

  • A user in one organization reported that when creating a new contract and assigning an owner, the owner changed to the person who created the contract right after it was created.

  • During internal testing of some contract types, the field options for LawVu fields didn't display in the contract completion form, and if options were selected in 'Contract Details' for a field, it didn't pull through to the completion form.

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