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Private Conversations

Communicate securely and discreetly on matters and contracts using private conversations.

Ben Kidd avatar
Written by Ben Kidd
Updated over 11 months ago

In this article:


LawVu enables you to collaborate freely yet securely on sensitive matters. It does this by allowing you to create private conversations.

You can make any conversation 'Private.' Once marked 'Private', only those people that have been specifically added to that conversation will be able to view it. It will not be visible to everyone who is a member of that matter or contract, nor will it be visible in the initial preview mode.

Note: Once a conversation has been marked as 'Private,' it cannot be made public again.

How to make a conversation private

For a new conversation:

  1. Create a new conversation or select an existing one.

  2. Click the Make Private toggle.

For an existing conversation:

  1. Click the Conversation details icon in the top right.

  2. Expand the Security tab and select Make private.

Adding people to the conversation

You can only add someone as a member of a private conversation if they are already a member of the matter or contract. Add people to a private conversation by:

  1. Selecting specific members as you create the conversation.

  2. Clicking the Conversation details icon in the top right of an existing conversation, expanding the Members tab, and using + Add people.

  3. Clicking the Conversation details icon in the top right of an existing conversation, expanding the Email recipients tab, and using + Add email recipients.

Alternatively, if someone has the correct permissions to view the matter and you @mention them, they will also be brought into the conversation.

Removing people from the conversation

To remove someone from the conversation:

  1. Click the Conversation details icon in the top right of an existing conversation

  2. Expand the Members tab

  3. Click the "x" beside the appropriate conversation member.

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