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Release notes for the 9 June 2020

Items scheduled to be included in Release 97

Ben Kidd avatar
Written by Ben Kidd
Updated over a week ago

The following items are included in Release 97:

Features & Improvements:

  • The expiry date on a contract has been moved from the contract details section to below the contract life cycles on the contract header and the expiry date can now be changed when the contract is the Executed stage

  • Two options have been introduced when configuring master fields. a) Changes to master fields can now be applied to all fields in use on different matters and b) the option to override a field currently used on a matter with changes made on the master field


  • Shared mailbox attachments no longer fail from the Outlook Addin in certain situations

  • Invoice is sent to Matter Manager when adjustments are made

  • There are no longer delays when clicking into or using @mentions in the Comments box for Matters and Contracts

  • Count to saved views is updated when changes are made to the matters

  • Folder templates sync and the options to delete and/or rename have been enabled

Urgent fixes already released:

  • Deleted fields no longer impact saved views [2 June 2020]

  • Articles are now fully displayed [2 June 2020]

  • @mentions are enabled for Matter and Contract comments [2 June 2020]

  • Invoice approval notifications restored [2 June 2020]

  • Executed files via Docusign are returned [2 June 2020]

  • Resolved SSO login issue [4 June 2020]

  • Users can upload supporting documents to Files tab when Contract is in Executed stage [4 June 2020]

  • Files now upload to child folder and no longer to parent folders when sub-folders share the same name [5 June 2020]

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