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Bulk Reassignment

Bulk add/remove or reassign owners, managers and members directly from the grid

Alina avatar
Written by Alina
Updated over 3 months ago

Who can use this feature?

๐Ÿ‘ค All users except standard users

๐Ÿ”‘ Needs the "Matter/Contract Administrator" permission or matter/contract membership

Users can now reassign owners and managers and add or remove members for matters or contracts, in bulk, directly from the grid.

In this article :

In order to use this feature, you will either need to be a member of the matter or contract or have the 'Matter Administrator' or 'Contract Administrator' permission enabled in your profile.

Bulk reassign owners/managers

1. Select the matters or contracts you want to be reassigned from your grid and click on the Edit Members icon to display the options. For contracts, as there is no contract manager, you can only reassign the owner.

The following workflow is described for matters, but contracts behave similarly.

2. Choose whether you want to reassign the Matter Owner or the Matter Manager. Select a person within your organization using the people picker Select icon

You can also decide if you want to completely remove the current manager/owner from the matters, or leave them as a member.

Note: The people picker Select icon will allow you to select only users with the right roles and permissions to manage matters in LawVu (InHouse Legal or Administrator). If the user you are trying to select is a Business User or a Contributor, then you will get the message that the user is unavailable for selection due to not having the right permission.

3. Once bulk reassignment is complete, a notification is displayed in the top-right corner of the app. Simply click Reload the View to see the new grid display.

Here is an animation of the matter manager reassignment process:

The text you write in the Assignment notes section will be sent in an email notification:

The person assigned as the new Matter Owner or Matter Manager will be notified through an in-app notification and email (depending on their notification preference). For convenience, they will receive a single notification when a set of matters or contracts has been assigned to them.

The email and in-app notifications contain a link to a temporary grid view. This grid view can then be saved by the recipient - really helpful for those matters or contracts that are temporarily reassigned. The recipient can save the view, and when the time comes to give them back - theyโ€™re in one place.

Interested in permanently reassigning all of a user's matters (for example when they leave the company)? Check this article to find out how: How to reassign matters when people leave

Note: Bulk reassignment is available to both Legal Service Providers and Client organizations. Legal service providers can only reassign work for their own users whereas Client organizations can reassign work from their users and reassign legal service providers if required.

Adding or removing members in bulk

You also have the ability to bulk add/remove members from matters or contracts directly from your grids.

1. Select the matters/contracts you want to bulk remove/add someone from and choose Edit members.

2. Add or remove one or multiple people at the same time using the + Add or - Remove people picker icons and click Save afterward. Owners and managers cannot be removed.

3. You will receive a notification when the bulk adding/removing of the members is successful. Click Reload view to see the changes reflected.

Scenarios where removing members is unsuccessful or partially successful

It is expected that adding/removing/assigning is unsuccessful or partially successful in the following scenarios :

A. If you try to remove the Matter Manager or Owner as a member from the matter, you will receive the message below and an email saying the owner/manager needs to be replaced before removing him. Similarly, it is not possible to remove the contract owner as a member from the contracts.

B. If the person you try to remove as a member is a matter owner/manager on some of the matters and a member on others, removing will only work for matters where he is a member. Contracts behave similarly.

C. If the person you try to remove as a member is part of a contract that was created within a matter, you will get a 'Reassignment unsuccessful' message and an email detailing the reason behind it. The member must first be removed from the parent matter before he can be removed from the contract.

D. If a user isn't a member of a matter/contract or doesn't have Matter administrator/ Contract administrator permission - they will also get the "partially successful or unsuccessful messages" detailing that they need to be a member before they can add/remove or assign.

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