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Release notes for 31 March, 2022

A list of the new content added to LawVu in release 197

Ben Kidd avatar
Written by Ben Kidd
Updated over a week ago

Bug fixes:

  • Users couldn't rename the main contract file. This was an edge case where the contract file could not be renamed to match one of the file names in the Files tab of that contract. The great thing with edge cases is that we can confidently state they will likely never occur. Right? Right...?

  • External law firm user wasn't notified when a client voided an invoice. Which hurts more: rejection, or being ghosted? We covered our bases here by applying both of these at once. Now, having fixed this issue, when an invoice is rejected, the external law firm will actually receive notification this has occurred.

  • Removed completed matters from the list of inactive matters in standard reporting. Funnily enough, when a matter is completed people tend to stop working on it. We weren't taking this into consideration when reporting on inactive matters. There were unconfirmed reports of GCs horsewhipping their teams due to the number of inactive matters appearing in our standard reporting. The last thing anyone wants is a GC with a rotator cuff injury, so we have corrected this.

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