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Linking matters and contracts

A legal matter will often derive or be directly connected to a contract

Alina avatar
Written by Alina
Updated over 3 months ago

Legal matters are often linked to other matters or contracts that extend from it. Linking matters and contracts together in LawVu can be used to clearly identify a matter's connection to other information stored in the platform.

To learn how to link matters with parent and child relationships, check this article.

How to link contracts to matters

There are several ways to link a contract to a matter:

  • Click the + icon at the top of the contract name:

  • Or from the Contracts tab of the matter, click on the +Add contract button to link the matter to either an existing contract record or to create a new one.

As you start typing the contract name or ID, the autofill feature will provide suggestions for all contracts that match the characters you've entered.

  • Or you can generate a new contract from any file in the Files tab by clicking on the ellipses next to the file and selecting "Create contract from file". The new contract will be related to the matter as a child.

Once the matter and contract are linked, you can access the matter from within the contract and vice-versa.

A matter can have many branching linked contracts. However, each contract can only have one linked primary matter.

View all related records

Explore all associated records related to your matter or contract (parents or children) by accessing the Related panel at the top right of your screen. Evaluate the status of linked records, view their owners and managers, and open them with a simple click, provided you have the necessary permissions.

Inherited Membership

When linking a contract to a matter, the current members of the matter will be automatically included and inherited to the contract and will be granted the "Member" access level.

Any changes made to the members of the parent matter, whether adding or removing members, will also be reflected and updated in the associated contracts.

Removing the link between the parent matter and the contract will automatically remove the inherited members.

When linking a restricted contract to a matter, matter members will NOT be automatically inherited to the contract. It is necessary to manually add members to the restricted contract.

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