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Law Firms, Article 8: Submitting accruals

This article is to guide Law Firms on the LawVu accruals process

Alina avatar
Written by Alina
Updated over 5 months ago

Clients you work with in LawVu may require you to submit accruals for any active or on-hold matters.

To post accruals, you need to have the "Manage invoice" permission. You can check if this permission is enabled by going to My Profile > Permissions

Based on your notification preferences, you will receive an email and an in-app notification when the accruals submission window opens, including the closing date for submissions.

You can either click the 'Submit Accruals' button in the notification or navigate to the Accruals page by selecting the appropriate client from the 'Your Clients' icon.

The page will automatically prepopulate with all active and on-hold matters:

From here, you can add the total accruals for the period and include a comment for each matter listed in the grid.

If you have estimated unbilled spend for a matter not shown in the grid, you can add a new line and enter the relevant information. Be sure to clarify that this matter still needs to be created in LawVu.

Once you've filled in all the lines, click Submit accruals.

Watch this animation to see how it works:

Q. Who can post accruals?

-- Any user with the "Manage Invoices" permission can post accruals.

Q. Can I post accruals when the window is closed?

-- No, that is not possible.

Q. What if I need to change accruals but have already submitted?

-- Clients can always update accruals from their grid. Please contact your client to advise them of any changes.

Q. Can I add accruals for completed matters?

-- No, that is not possible. You can only add accruals for matters that are active or on-hold.

Q. What if I don't have any accruals to submit?

-- Even if you don't have any accruals for this period, you still need to submit the form. You can enter "0" for the matter accruals and optionally leave a comment for your client.

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