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Search works across LawVu and helps you access your repository.

Alina avatar
Written by Alina
Updated over a week ago

There are two types of searches available in LawVu. The first one is the standard search, which looks for the term you enter in categories like matters, contracts, file names, titles, subjects, or tags.

The second type is the content-based (FCI) search, which goes further by including files, emails, attachments, and conversations in the search results. This search provides a more comprehensive look at the information related to your query.

In this article:

Display your recently viewed items

Use the top global search bar to view the items you've accessed today / in the last week / in the last month, or earlier. To do that, simply click on the search bar:

Quick Search

Run a quick search to display the top 5 matters, contracts, or files that match your query.

You can also search matters using the last 3 or 4 digits of the matter ID. That means fewer numbers to copy or memorize and a higher volume of successful searches.

It takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes for a newly created matter/contract to appear in search results. This allows time for the search indexer to run.

Advanced Search and Filters

From the search bar, click on Advanced Search

Or hit Enter on your search query to display the full list of results split by Matters, Matter files, Matter conversations, Contracts, Contract files, Contract conversations, Knowledge, and Knowledge files.

Global Search results include a count to see how many results match the term you use in each category.

You can organize your search results by Oldest, Most Recent, or Relevance.

The search result also provides comprehensive information, such as the current status of a matter, the assigned matter owner and manager, the contract owner, as well as the lifecycle stage of the contract.

The filters available for each category are on the left-hand side of the search results. These are:

Matters: Matter Type, Tags

Matter files: Matter, Type, Tags

Matter conversations: Matter, Matter type

Contracts: Contract Type, Other Party

Contract files: Contract, Type, Tags

Contract conversations: Contract, Contract type

Knowledge: Category, Tags, Author

Knowledge files: Category, Type

Note that you can choose multiple filters, but you cannot select multiple options within the same filter. For instance, you can select a combination of type and tag filters for matters but not two options within the same type filter.

In the example below, I am applying filters for the "Contracts/Agreements" matter type and the "agreement" tag. The option to open the matter or contract in the current or a new tab to preserve your search context is also available. Additionally, you can copy a link to the matter or contract for easy sharing.

Note: Non-alphanumeric characters are not recognizable as valid search tokens. For instance, when searching for words or phrases containing non-alphanumeric characters, only the alphanumeric word is identified.

To gain further insights on refining your search, please check this article: How to refine your search

Keep in mind that search results can vary based on your role and membership status in different matters and contracts.

Download your search results

From your search results list, you can export either a selection, one page, or the entire search result set: multiple matters, contracts, files, conversations, and Knowledge files. This allows you to gather and save all the associated data related to these items onto your local drive.

Select or multi-select the checkboxes on the left side of the results and click the Download icon to start the export. Marking the checkbox at the top will select all results on the page.

You can select the checkbox at the top if you want to download all results.

To learn more about this feature, check this article: Bulk Export from search results

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