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Auto-assign members and teams

How to set up and utilize automatically assigning members and teams to matters and contracts

Ben Kidd avatar
Written by Ben Kidd
Updated over a week ago

With this feature, you can streamline assigning users to matters and contracts, giving access to multiple members immediately after creation.

In this article:

Matter and contract type setup

To set up an assignment rule for matter and contract types:

  1. Ensure you have Administrator access.

  2. Navigate to Organization Settings > Matter/Contract Management > Matter or Contract Types > Select an individual Matter/Contract type > Settings

  3. At the bottom of the settings tab, the options will be visible:

From here, simply add your teams or members.


Click here to learn more about how to build Teams in LawVu.


Additionally, this is where you can select whether or not the matter/contract creator can remove members on creation:

Matter and contract creation with auto assignees

After the member assignment has been set up from the matter/contract type level, the users added will automatically show as members during the matter/contract creation.

Note - the users will be presented with an assignment modal only when you have auto-add teams/members enabled for your organization.

If the removal option is turned on, this is where the creator can also remove those who have been auto-assigned:

Finally, upon the creation of the matter or contract, all of the users and teams will have access to the new matter/contract. Every user included in any team added will be shown individually in the Members tab.

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