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The LawVu Business Portal for Business Users

A quick tour around the Business Portal interface for those with the role of Business User

Alina avatar
Written by Alina
Updated over 9 months ago

Who can use this feature?

👤Business (Standard) Users

In this article:

An Overview of the LawVu Business Portal

The Business Portal serves as the primary gateway for Business Users to connect to their legal department, offering them an efficient means of collaborating with the legal team, raising and following up on requests, as well as accessing relevant knowledge articles to find the information they require.

For an in-depth overview of the platform, you can read this article: LawVu Business Portal.

Note: 'Business Users' refers to Standard Users, who are NOT Matter Contributors OR Contract Contributors.

How to request help from your legal team

  1. Log into LawVu.

  2. Click on 'Make a legal request'.

3. Select the appropriate matter type, click 'Next,' and complete the form. Any field that is essential, will be denoted in red asterisk. The number of required fields is also stated at the bottom of the intake form and will reduce every time a required field value is entered.

By creating the matter, you will become the Matter Owner.

You don't need to assign the matter to someone upon creation. It will drop into your legal team's Intake Queue and be assigned from there.

How to review the status of your previous requests

This section displays a list of all the matters you have raised with the legal team, as well as matters or contracts of which you are a member.

Click the 'My Work' icon in the ribbon, and your matters and contracts will be displayed in a list-with-columns format called 'the grid.'

You can also switch the 'show team matters (or contracts)' toggle on and off. This shows/hides the matters and contracts that have been assigned to the team the user is a member of:

Click on a matter to open the preview window on the right-hand side of the screen. From this view, you can check or request a status update or engage with the legal team through a conversation.

Check or request a status update

To request an update, you can either click on the + icon under the 'Status update' column in the grid;

Or open the matter in preview mode, click 'Status Update', and then Request update. The request will go to the Matter Manager.

Engage with the legal team through conversations

Conversations in LawVu are useful when you need to contact the legal team to request specific information, like file access, or provide additional details about your legal request.

To engage in a conversation with a legal team member, you can either use the 'General' conversation of the matter or create a new one.

Note: Leaving a message in the General conversation will not trigger notifications for the members or intake manager. To ensure your message gets to the appropriate people, use the @mention feature to notify someone, such as the assigned matter manager.

To start a new conversation, click on + New Conversation.

  • Give it a subject/title.

  • If needed, make the conversation private by only allowing selected matter or contract members to view it.

  • Add the members you want to message.

Your conversation must have a subject/title for the 'Start conversation' button to become active.

Creating a new conversation will name you the owner of the conversation, but you will not be able to manage or delete it. To add someone to the conversation, just @mention them, and they will be added automatically.

Check the actions you've been assigned

Actions are alerts. They call your attention to things that require an 'action' from you. They can include things such as a request for a status update or for a contract or invoice to be approved.

Click the 'My Actions' icon to bring up the action list.

Clicking on the action will take you directly to the item that needs your attention.

You can then click 'Review' to start working on the action until it is completed.

Export the grid to Excel

When you need to have more spreadsheet-like control over your matters or contracts, you can easily export the grid to Excel so that you can manipulate it as required.

Click the 'Excel' icon from the toolbar at the top right corner of the grid

This will create an Excel file and automatically download it to your computer.


Search has also received refinements in its design. You can initiate searches from any page you are on in the Business Portal, and it will show results for different categories: Matters, Matter conversations, Contracts, Contract files, Contract conversations, Knowledge, and Knowledge files.

You can also browse through the articles your legal team has created for you by initiating the search from the Knowledge Base icon in the ribbon. This space is meant to serve as a repository. It contains the most relevant and useful information you need for engagement and collaboration with your legal department.

Use the search bar to search for keywords or navigate the content categories using the menu on the left.

You can also open an article and view its attachments or download them to your local drive. This space is completely customized to help answer the questions you may have about working with the legal team.

If you are a Business User also working with contracts, please check the Contracts Self-Service article available here.

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