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Intake Management Workflow

How to improve the efficiency of your intake system.

Ben Kidd avatar
Written by Ben Kidd
Updated over a year ago

To streamline your intake triage processes, it pays to organize your matter fields. Consider the attributes and information needed to effectively triage and assign a matter, and ensure that these fields are visible from the preview mode across all matters.

For example, key fields could include:

  • Matter type

  • Description of the issue

  • Region

  • Department, etc.

Most matter types are assigned to a particular legal team. However, some matter types, such as Employment Law, contain a greater variety of issues, thereby requiring assignment to different teams. For these, use auto-assigning rules. For example, Healthcare legal issues auto-assign to Team A, whereas Discrimination, harassment, and retaliation issues auto-assign to Team B.
If you are the intake manager for a particular team, ensure you filter your intake grid to show only those matters that apply to your team. ​

​Be aware that matters that are created via email plugins cannot be sent to the intake queue. Therefore it is a good idea to save a view in your grid that filters unassigned matters.

It is also worth noting that there is a difference in intake behaviors depending on whether the matter is created by a standard business user, or created internally by a member of the legal team.

  • When a business user or a contributor creates a matter and no matter manager is assigned upon creation, it will automatically go to intake.

  • When a legal team member (In-house legal or Administrator) creates a matter, it doesn't go to the intake queue by default. If the user wants the matter to hit the intake queue, it must be assigned to intake upon creation.

When assigning a matter from intake to a member of your legal team, it is important that you consider their current workload. This means maintaining some grid views enabling you to see the current number of matters per lawyer.

To assign a Matter Manager, you usually need to join the matter first. As an Intake Manager, you will find yourself being a member of most matters in your organization. So instead of adding and removing yourself, using in-line grid editing is a simpler and more efficient method.

In-line grid editing allows you to edit matters without having to join them. To use this feature, you need the 'Edit matters from the grid' permission turned on. Speak with your organization admin to get this permission enabled.

Once you have the 'Edit matters from grid' permission, just click on the pencil icon to toggle editing mode, then assign a Matter Manager in the MM attribute column.

You can also use the bulk reassignment feature to assign matters from the grid.

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